Tuesday, November 25, 2008

China and the cyber war

I found this Aljazeera article disturbing- http://english.aljazeera.net/news/americas/2008/11/200811213360567505.html. It said the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission found that China has targeted "US government, defence contractors and US businesses" for cyber attacks. I would assume the US is doing the same thing to China, but it seems that China is further along.

In addition, according to the "Global Trends 2025" US intelligence forecast, the US global economic dominance will diminish and give way to such rising powers as China and India.

According to the report, resources will continue to be scarcer as the impact of global warming is felt.
Of note, "the global shift from West to East in terms of wealth and economic power 'is without precedent in modern history.' Of a projected population increase of 1.2 billion worldwide by 2025, Western countries would account for only 3 percent.."

Other Source:

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